The Dementia Community Support Team provides enhanced support to people living with dementia and their Carers in Southend, Castle Point and Rochford. This community focused service offers accessible and flexible support tailored to reflect your needs.
If you would like to contact us please call 01702 534772 or email [email protected].
We can also provide a resource pack of information and guidance, if you would like to request a pack please email us.
Following Government advice the Dementia Community Support Team are working remotely. If you know the Dementia Navigator for your area please contact them directly on their details:
- Josie Willis – 07342 094159
- Susan Stubbs – 07342 705450
- Grace White – 07827 895919
- Lorraine Rahmy – 07899076272
- Michael Meehan – 07899 084715
- Tina Woodham – 07899 663366
- Gill Clarke – 07899 078749
Dementia Network Co-ordinator – Lorraine Rahmy 07899 076272 mobile or team number
Community Engagement Worker – Michael Meehan 07899 084715 mobile or team number
Team Manager – Jessica St John – 07387 049885 or 01702 215666
We offer Face to Face virtual meetings using Whatsapp, Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Please feel free to text, call, or email your dementia navigator service for any help, support, advice, and information.
For all other enquiries please contact the main Dementia Community Support Team on 01702 534772 which is being diverted to one of the team members mobile numbers.
Locality Dementia Navigator
Your Dementia Navigator is available to support you and your family throughout the dementia experience, offering support and guidance to help you understand dementia and the day-to-day challenges it may bring. This service is available to people pre diagnosis as well as post diagnosis and provides the crucial link between the person with dementia, their carer and health, social care, and community support. Dementia Navigators will also provide Information on preparing for the future and accessing other services within the city.
Community Engagement Worker
The Community Engagement Worker works with information providers to ensure a consistent approach to information, advocacy, and guidance. This will make sure that people are getting the right support at the right time. These providers may include Southend-on-Sea City Council, GP Practices, Carers Hub, advocacy services, community groups, libraries, Southend Hospital, voluntary sector providers, care homes, domiciliary care agencies, the Department of Works and Pensions, churches and places of worship, emergency services, Tourist information, parks, and pier staff, as well as online information sources such as Southend Information Portal, 111 service, and NHS Choices. We also provide Information and learning to community groups, health, social care, private and voluntary sector agencies as well as partnership working and signposting to other services.
Dementia Network Co-ordinator
Peer Support Networks are crucial in supporting the community to live well, by promoting health, happiness, and wellbeing through a variety of social opportunities in the community. The Dementia Network Coordinator works across all four localities to identify and develop a range of social opportunities which are age and interest appropriate whilst maximising partnership working and encouraging peer led support. We currently run a variety of free groups offering socialisation, fun and creative activities, stimulation, reminiscence, and music in a friendly and supportive environment.
Southend Dementia Action Alliance Co-ordinator
Leading the Southend Dementia Action Alliance (SDAA). The key aim is to build on our dementia friendly community status by increasing membership. They also promote widespread understanding of dementia across Southend-on-Sea through the Dementia Friends initiative and encourage a truly dementia friendly City and community through changing attitudes and raising awareness. This will contribute to supporting people affected by dementia to live well. Southend is always working to maintaining our Dementia Friendly Community status and provide Dementia Friends information sessions and the opportunity for businesses, services, and organisations to join the Southend Dementia Action Alliance.
To find out more information or to access any of our services please contact our Team on 01702 534772 or email us.
Dementia services in Southend are provided by EPUT and include a specialist Dementia Intensive Support Team and Specialist Community Dementia Nurses. In addition, two specialist memory clinics are provided for people who are worried about their memory where they can attend for further assessment and investigations. The memory clinics are provided at Southend General Hospital and the Harland Centre. Referral is usually via your GP but in certain circumstances you can refer yourself.
For more information on the local services provided by EPUT please call 0300 123 0808.