Clinics and services
See the services we offer.

Frequently searched for
Adult vaccination and immunisation
Find out which vaccinations are offered on the NHS, what age you should ideally have them, and why they are safe and important.
- Category:
- Primary Care
Advocacy services
Find someone who can sit with you in assessments, speak up for you and help you fill in forms.
Antenatal clinic
Find out how to contact your midwife or GP to start your antenatal care in pregnancy, and read about the tests, checks and health advice you can expect, including information about reduced foetal movement.
Find out what asthma is, what the symptoms are, what causes it and how it's treated.
Find advice and support for coping with bereavement and grief, including help with bereavement in children and young people.
Child health
Find out when your baby will have their health and development reviews (health visitor checks)
Child vaccination and immunisation
Child vaccination schedule and how to book. All newborn babies should have a six week check with the Doctor.
Chronic Disease Management
A guide to managing your chronic illness such as Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, IHD and more.
Community nurses
The district nursing service offers nursing support for housebound patients and their families to aid and support clinical needs in the patient’s own home.
Dementia services
Our dementia service cares for people with existing or suspected dementia with support networks and raise awareness of dementia and its impact.
Support services for people suffering with or affected by diabetes.
Drug and alcohol support
The Crisis Sanctuary continues to operate as a crisis service as it is not large numbers in attendance. Open from 6pm to 11pm every night at Project 49 on Alexandra Street.
Ear Irrigation
Information on ear irrigation and ways you can self treat.
End of life care
This page will help to guide you through the palliative care support that exists in Essex, and who you can contact for help.
Family Planning
The information given here is based on The Pregnancy Book, which your midwife should give you at your first appointment.
- Category:
- Sexual health
Flu clinic
NHS information about flu, including symptoms, how to treat it yourself and when to get help.
Heart Disease Clinic
Information, support and services for heart conditions.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Find out about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - how it can help menopausal symptoms, the different types of HRT, and what the main risks and side effects are - including how it can raise your risk of breast cancer.
Hospital Referrals
Information on Hospital Referrals
Information for carers
Includes support from local councils, respite care and help for young carers.
Medication Review
A structured medication review is a confidential consultation carried out by your GP, or a pharmacist or advanced nurse practitioner from your local primary care network, with full medical notes.
When you meet your named midwife, you will plan your on-going care together. This will include regular appointments to check you and your baby’s health during pregnancy.
National Diabetes Audit
Participation in the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is now a requirement within the Doctors GMS contract.
NHS Health Check
If you're aged between 40 and 74, you're eligible for a free 5-yearly NHS Health Check. Find out what it's like to have an NHS Health Check, and how to arrange one.
A blood test usually involves the phlebotomist taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm.
Practice Nurse services
A key role of the General Practice Nurse (GPN) is to offer health promotion advice in areas such as contraception, weight loss and smoking cessation in addition to emphasis on promoting Women’s and Men’s health.
Screening services
Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix. · It's not a test for cancer, it's a test to help prevent cancer.
Sexual health service
Brook Sexual Health and Contraception Service in Southend-On-Sea.
- Category:
- Sexual health
Stop smoking service
Information, guidance and services for stopping smoking.
Test Results
Information on obtaining Test Results
Travel vaccinations and advice
If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
- Category:
- Primary Care
Weight management
Information, support and services for weight management.