Making a complaint
The Doctors and Staff at Highlands Surgery understand the importance of listening to all our service users and we value any comments you may have about the services we provide.
If you wish to make a comment or complaint, this should be made to the Practice Support Manager in writing to:
You will receive an initial response within 10 days. A full written response will be offered. If you are unhappy at that point, you can arrange to come in and discuss the problem further with a doctor and/or Practice Support Manager.
While we always like to hear when we have done a good job, we would also like to know when we do not get things right.
We take all complaints seriously and investigate them thoroughly.
We aim to learn from any mistakes and where necessary will make changes to our working practices.
How to complain to the ICB (Integrated Care Board)
If you feel that you do not want to complain to Highlands Surgery, you can complain to the ICB via the contact details below.
- Telephone: 01268 594444
- E-mail:
- Writing to: Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System ยท Phoenix House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3HG
How to complain to the PHSO
Should you remain dissatisfied with the findings of an investigation, then you may further complain online or in writing to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) at either:
Milbank Tower Millbank LONDON SW1P 4QP | Citygate Mosley Street MANCHESTER M2 3HQ |
The PHSO may be contacted via telephone on 0345 015 4033 or by using their secure online form. Further details on how to make a complaint to PHSO can be sought at